
Nike Shoes Wholesale : Want to Learn How to Print Your Full Color Design on T Shirts Rjc

When you have a design,Nike Shoes Wholesale, full color photography is the best way is to design the shirt is the garment digital printing and direct. Printing directly on clothing or the law again is a process, the real burden of the shirt in a digital computer printers, and use the CMYK printing process the image as a photo printer. Shirts must be sealed with heat in the tissue of the healing of ink.

Then the screen is divided into individual colors in the design process, and then burn the screen for each color of the shirt and screen printing in color. Because only the individual colors are possible, the design can not fully photographic color.

In short, if you have a design need for a comprehensive approach to weight color is the way forward. No other process can reproduce the color and complexity of the story is durability. Do not hesitate to contact me for more information.


weight method is a painstaking process that must be carefully placed in print. Equally important is the quality of t-shirt. It must be designed to prepare a transparent background, and how to save. or png. Boca. If the white image on a white background will be removed from its exterior design.

When complete a grand design of the shirt, and is ready to be printed on the printer screen display shows that its design has many, many, or too color separation. What does it mean?

This process can be reproduced in any image. The quality of the shirt is similar to the printing of the download screen,Wholesale Nike Shoes, a black shirt and cloth very soft white shirt. The image is sharp on the screen. Bright color,Cheap Jordans, is a photographic reproduction.

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